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Car Skins


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Hits since 15-07-99

Puma R/T #124
by PumaY2K (Rating: 8.5)
Another skin that was going to be used in my TC, it looks quite good tho.

Puma R/T #19
by PumaY2K (Rating: 8.5)
The best skin I made for my TC, this one looks preety cool.

Puma R/T #64
by PumaY2K (Rating: 8.5)
The last skin I released of my unfinished TC, I made 13, just 6 got here.

Puma Eraser
by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.0)
This car is one of the best I've made and i got really good comments about it. Features a lot of smashables...

Dodge Viper GTS Coupé
by PumaY2K (Rating: 8.7)
One of my favorite cars in real life, this one got a lot of smashable stuff so download it now!.

'88 Pontiac Fiero GT
by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.1)
This is a very good car, it has got all the c2 features so it makes a great add-on.

'67 Shelby Mustang GT500
by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.0)
Eleanor from the movie "Gone in 60 Seconds" appares here for Carmageddon 2.

Mercedes-Benz Vision SLR
by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.2)
A really cool Mercedes supercar, this one has got every c2 feature. Download now!

'74 Puma Sekton
by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.2)
A nice mid 70s muscle car... heavy and fast... and its got some preety nice carma features...

'74 Puma Sekton GT
by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.3)
A nice mid 70s muscle car... heavy and fast... and its got some preety nice carma features... in its sportier vesion... wheer :)...
Eraser Two
Game: Carmageddon 2
What: Car Skin
Author: K@vera
Added: 25-04-2005


The Evil Realm - All HTML/PHP/GFX ©1999-2005 PumaY2K
Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! & Carmageddon TDR2000 ©1997-2000 Stainless Software, Torus Games & SCi
All other names belong to their respective owners
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