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Ok, still not stamped out but...
posted by Toshiba-3 (10 Nov 2022, 00:07)

Well, what do you know, 2022 and we're still maintaining this website despite Polygonized finally going down..!
However a few files didn't make the jump. Find them listed on the 404 page and if you happen to have any of them in your own backups, don't hesitate to share them at the CWA Board !
Thanks in advance !

You Can't Stamp Out Evil Completely Mini-me, you complete me
posted by CoffeyCup (08 Mar 2013, 13:08)

After fiddling a bit with the .php files, I was able to get Evil Realm back up and running. Below is the home page as it was back in 2006! (thanks Tosh)

posted by Vague Katti (05-03-2006, 22:21)

Hey, happy new year I guess. Hijacked! Let me tell you something...PumaY2K lost his hard drive on an intelligent move of formatting without double checking if he was doing it in the right hard drive. So; as he loves doing backups of his important stuff, there isn't a problem...what? he didn't have a backup? Well. That's too bad; he lost it all hehe...

Maybe you're asking yourself what this is and why it is happening. I'll let you know - as soon as I figure it out myself.

Cheers, Vague Katti.

6th Anniversary, Folks!
posted by PumaY2K (20-07-2005, 15:21)

Well, personally I never thought this website was to last so much. But well; it's already been six years since this started up as "Puma Racing Things" (everytime I type that name I laugh), changed name to "PumaY2K Danger Zone", and finally came up as "The Evil Realm", well, maybe I'm not that into Carmageddon anymore, but the community is what have kept this place afloat for the past year. I want to thank nWo4life, he knows why.

Now; there's something else over here - you know there's been a project underway but I haven't really showed a damn thing about it. Here you get the first preview, it has just been ported from 3D Studio MAX 4 to CarEd since I like to set up cars there, and's still way far from being released, but I thought you people would like to take a look. The Chevrolet Corvette C6! By the way, those rims are just placeholders, I'll make new ones later. Enjoy! and thanks again since because of you this place has lasted these six years.

A Neat Advise
posted by PumaY2K (28-04-2005, 01:01)

Ok, be advised all you fucks, that the shitty guestbooks are dead, so fuckin' use the forum instead, it's almost fuckin' dead, dammit! rofl. Good Night, people.

More Than A Year
posted by PumaY2K (25-04-2005, 16:22)

It's odd. It's been more than one year since a file was uploaded here, name it as you wish, a car, a carskin, a winamp thing; whatever. Last file uploaded was the Shark on April the 23rd, 2004. Today is April the 25th, 2005 and we finally have new files! Three skins to be more precise, BMW Race Car by nWo4life, Shark One and Eraser Two by K@vera, these last two have been done for a while but I had not uploaded them. Anyway, enjoy this superb skins and well, click on the image to download them... I'm looking forward to post more things. 'Till then, later!

Back on track, people!
posted by PumaY2K (24-04-2005, 22:37)

Finally, after quite a lot of time working here, The Evil Realm is back on, everything should be working by now, but if you find any broken links please make me know. Also the entire news archive is done, go check it out. I needed a home to start working again.

Mozilla Support
posted by PumaY2K (23-04-2005, 23:29)

Ok, Mozilla support is up so now you can visit The Evil Realm in both Internet Explorer or Mozilla standards, who cares!? just enjoy. As a sidenote, K@vera sent me two skins which I'll post soon, they are named Eraser One and Shark Two, you get an idea of what that means, right?

posted by PumaY2K (17-04-2005, 03:12)

After almost a year with no posts, I'm here trying to get this thing to make a rebirth. Kind of like a phoenix, heh... ok, not really. I've had to deal with lots of issues and stuff. Work and college take most of my spare time to model cars. And my Corvette C6 got lost on the last format I did, as well as every other mid done project, such as a Mercury Ghia and a Vauxhall VX220, those are dead and I'm not even planning on remaking them, I just don't care, fuck 'em, anyway, the Corvette C6 is again under process, I just started tonigh... I installed CarEd 1.13 and the old times crossed my mind. Anyway, I checked this place, and first than anything, it can't be viewed on Mozilla browsers. That's utter crap!!, so I'm under process of making it visible under both IE and Mozilla. More things, I'll update this more often (I hope), I'll be finding time on the week to work on the C6 and I'll keep you people informed, I'll also make you know when does The Evil Realm comes back in full greatness (if it ever had a greatness...). I know this is a long shit ass post, but I hope you understand why I've been away from the community. Needless to say, I welcome you and me back.
Eraser Two
Game: Carmageddon 2
What: Car Skin
Author: K@vera
Added: 25-04-2005


The Evil Realm - All HTML/PHP/GFX ©1999-2005 PumaY2K
Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! & Carmageddon TDR2000 ©1997-2000 Stainless Software, Torus Games & SCi
All other names belong to their respective owners
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