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Car Skins
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Car Skins


Game Mods


Hits since 15-07-99

by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.9)
The second skin for the Eraser Mk.2, and a damn nice one in my opinion, download it now! it's really worth it!

by PumaY2K (Rating: 9.9)
Now it's the turn for the blue, a nice combination with good looking decals, which make up for a great skin!

Sekton GT Super
by K@vera (Rating: 9.9)
A total redesign with only a skin, it's an awesome work and it's really worth the download, get it now!

Sektoneer GTS
by K@vera (Rating: 10.0)
An awesome lift-up and total change to the Sektoneer Mk.2, where's the post-apocalyptic stuff? nevermind, this sporty look makes the apocalypse step aside.

BMW Race Car
by nWo4life (Rating: 9.7)
This old M3 needed a lift-up, nicely, nWo did a very good job on this sporty yet elegant skin for the M3, grab it now!

Shark One
by K@vera (Rating: 9.6)
This is a great skin for the Eraser Mk.2, making it look like the Shark! Hence the name, Shark One... clever, huh?

Eraser Two
by K@vera (Rating: 10.0)
Same as the above skin, but with the Shark. Now it looks like if it was an Eraser Mk.3! really awesome work.
Eraser Two
Game: Carmageddon 2
What: Car Skin
Author: K@vera
Added: 25-04-2005


The Evil Realm - All HTML/PHP/GFX ©1999-2005 PumaY2K
Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! & Carmageddon TDR2000 ©1997-2000 Stainless Software, Torus Games & SCi
All other names belong to their respective owners
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