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Car Skins


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Hits since 15-07-99
LOL!! My stupidity rocks!
posted by PumaY2K (28-02-2003, 18:22)

lol... sorry for all the people that tried to download Carmageddon 2 Advanced... I dunno what happened with the link but it's fixed now, so please try again now...

An update!?
posted by PumaY2K (26-02-2003, 21:07)

And with files?? wow!!... anyway, it's true, heh... here's something Ive been taking a lot of time to upload... mainly because of my lazyness and some server problems... fixed now... anyway, they are 6 skins by newcomer Apex, he is skilled as a skinner so I hope to see more of his work soonish... anyway, all this skins are available on Carskins Page 2 to download... so get 'em now! later people.

posted by PumaY2K (05-02-2003, 20:44)

Yep... a Mini... a Mini Cooper... but not for Carmageddon 2, nor TDR... nah... its a drawing a friend of mine, Israel, made in our very-interesting Economic Geography class... heh... so you can see that school can be so fun ... so I opened the 'Drawing Gallery' setion... so if you happen to have a drawing, mail it to me so the gallery grows up!... ok... heres Israel's Mini Cooper:

Er... Im not going to think on a topic...
posted by PumaY2K (01-02-2003, 23:02)

Im just posting because we got 10133 visitors this January... ranking 3rd in the most visited months competition... lol... anyway, thanks a lot people, tomorrow Ill post some skins of the Eraser Mk.2 which is coming along sloooowlyyyy... but hopefully will be finished this month... hopefully... whatever... later people.

Eraser Two
Game: Carmageddon 2
What: Car Skin
Author: K@vera
Added: 25-04-2005


The Evil Realm - All HTML/PHP/GFX ©1999-2005 PumaY2K
Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! & Carmageddon TDR2000 ©1997-2000 Stainless Software, Torus Games & SCi
All other names belong to their respective owners
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