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Car Skins


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Hits since 15-07-99
Can I play with Madness??
posted by PumaY2K (09-09-2002, 22:42)

Damned music... always gets in my unconscious and I end up with topics like this one... ahh... whatever... I just wanted to post some images of the thing Ive been doing lately (as well as the Eraser Mk.2)... its (yet) another recycled old model... hehehe... now its turn of the BMW M3... after I released that thing, I wanted to do a Copcar... what could have been better than using my new M3?? nothing, so I did it... and then it went to the 'unreleased shit' part... along with some old Honda and Ford models... which I didnt like after all... but thats not what Im talk... erm... writing about... heh... anyway, the car isnt finished so dont start complaining with stuff like 'the skin looks pathetic' cause It isnt finished, right?... although I may release the car with that shitty skin... hehehe... aww... whatever... I believe I got an exam tomorrow so I better call a friend and check it out... lol... heres the image... after youve seen it, send me (click over here you lazy ass) some feedback, right? goodie... cya people.

Um... blah...
posted by PumaY2K (05-09-2002, 20:17)

Er... Im sorry I forgot about posting the monthly count (heh)... but that doesnt matters too much, does it?... nah... but you guys broke the record again!! this time we got 7048 visitors... Whoa! thanx a lot people... now aim for 10000... heh... about my Carmageddon stuff, expect the release of the Eraser Mk.2 next month... I think it will be ready... I just got the taillights, and I modified a bit of the bodywork, the engine is almost done too but I havent modified the interior nor the skin... so heh... sory people... youll have to wait. Anyway, thanx a lot for keeping stoping by here although I havent done anything new... but I promise Ill move my lazy ass and make something new (yeah right)... at least a skin ...

Eraser Two
Game: Carmageddon 2
What: Car Skin
Author: K@vera
Added: 25-04-2005


The Evil Realm - All HTML/PHP/GFX ©1999-2005 PumaY2K
Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! & Carmageddon TDR2000 ©1997-2000 Stainless Software, Torus Games & SCi
All other names belong to their respective owners
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