posted by PumaY2K (29-08-2002, 20:01) |
Im up-dat-ing this place!... whoa... look all the days I left this place without news...
heh... sorry people but nevermind anyway... I got back from the US preety long ago but I didnt
posted a thing... hehehe... but... heres something new for you people!... the PumaY2K
Danger Zone Message Board... completely new!! (thanx to Lord Zevai)... so go there... register... say hello... and thats all...
Yikes! a 4 o'clock post!
posted by PumaY2K (07-08-2002, 04:17) |
heh... sorry... but I always wanted to post at 4 o'clock... I think Ive never
done it before... anywayz, this is just to tell ya that Im leaving to the airport in something like half an hour...
and to tell ya that Ive been awake for 21 hours... and as Im going to sleep at something like 1:00 am of tomorrow,
Ill be awake for something like 42 hours... I dunno... If I didnt make the sum all right dont care too much about that...
anywayz... enjoy your time without my lazyness around here .
A big load of skins!
posted by PumaY2K (06-08-2002, 23:44) |
heh... do you remember that I only had one TDR skin?... well, now I got 4 more!
All of them made by a new guy in the community: Judas666... one of those skins is absolutely awesome... it is the skin
that is in the 'latest addition' section (in the right navigation menu)... download it now... oh... and about my previous
skin, RedFyre, well its been updated, now it has a waaaaay better damage texture... so click here
to go to TDR Carskins Page 01 to get all of 'em!... more stuff... I moved the affiliates... they are no longer in the left
navigation menu... I moved them to the right navigation menu... (oh... how difficult )... anyway
now it looks better. And last but not least, Im off to Las Vegas and Los Angeles... in some hours... actually... in 5 hours and
30 minutes... I might do another post... just for fun... lol... but anyway, I think Ill be back by Monday... I dunno... but Im
really going to have some fun... ner ner... lol... download those skins!
Erm... I dont have imagination... lol
posted by PumaY2K (01-08-2002, 22:32) |
lol... I hate when this happens... Im about to make a post and I cant think about any
'funny' topic... blergh... nevermind... I just wanted to thank to all those 5216 visitors we had in July... thats absolutely awesome!!
you guys broke the record!! it was four thousand-something... thanx a lot guys. Well, just wanted to tell ya that tomorrow Ill upload
4 great skins for TDR made by Judas666 (new guy)... one of those skins is awesome but you must wait 'till
tomorrow... hmz... one more thing... I made a font using Macromedia Fontographer... its very nice looking... go to the fonts section to
download... its the font used in the Mutter album by Rammstein... it was kinda easy to do... go get it now!... seeya
oh... heres a preview: