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Hits since 15-07-99
posted by PumaY2K (31-10-2001, 20:56)

Happy Halloween!... hmz... looks like I havent updated this place in quite a big time... lol... I shouldnt do that... so now Im updating again... yipee... the main reasons of my not-updating time were Max Payne (which I finished easily) and Red Alert 2... I remembered how fun was to make new maps and new units so maybe Ill release a mod for it... back into Carmageddon 2... well... I've been working in my 2001 Dodge Viper GTS-R Concept which is coming along preety slowly... I want to make it really nice so itll take its time... hehehe... I also want to thank to all those 2118 guys that had nothing better to do than visit us... lol... Ill leave you with a pic of the Viper in progress...

posted by PumaY2K (12-10-2001, 23:07)

Well, a month has passed since the coward terrorist attacks of Osama Bin Laden (he must be the gay fucker that did it) to the World Trade Center in New York City and to The Pentagon in Washington, and he'll pay it preety high... The United States and The United Kingdom attacked some cities of Afganistan such as Kabul and more... and Bin Laden Said that he would strike back. He did. 3 U.S. citiznes got infected with anthrax, but what I think is that Bin Laden is an ignorant and that if he continues doing atrocities, Afganistan will be known as Lake Afganistan. Anyway... lets focus in our stuff: Carmageddon 2. I found that my 2003 Dodge Viper GTS-R model is alive (my old comp died so I got a new one... feel the power of a Pentium 4 @ 1.4 GHZ... 60 GB, 256 RAM, DVD-RW... hehehe) so I wont have to redo it... The only thing I must do is download the JAVA files... anyway... lets see what happens to Afganistan.

Eraser Two
Game: Carmageddon 2
What: Car Skin
Author: K@vera
Added: 25-04-2005


The Evil Realm - All HTML/PHP/GFX ©1999-2005 PumaY2K
Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! & Carmageddon TDR2000 ©1997-2000 Stainless Software, Torus Games & SCi
All other names belong to their respective owners
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