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Hits since 15-07-99
Im posting something... lol
posted by PumaY2K (29-12-2000, 15:14)

Whoa... that was a really long time without posts... gee... sorry... first of all... Merry Christmas! ... ok... Youll hate me but the '88 Pontiac Fiero GT im making for TDR will be released... er... when I get TDR (my TDR cd is not working... shit!)... so I decided to stay playing Red Alert 2... hehehe... maybe Ill open a RA2 section here... hmm... anyway, I finished another WinAmp Skin.. so go there to download it... and if I dont post something else this year... Happy New Year!!!!!!!... lol... cya...

Im not dead... yet...
posted by PumaY2K (19-12-2000, 13:41)

Waaa... Im still alive... hahaha... I dunno why Im posting this but oh well... got nothing better to do... hmm... lets see... lest say stuff about my affiliates: Hmm... Go check out Freddy's site... Seduction of Destruction, youll find out that he has finished the Banger TC Version 2... and hes distributing it by ordinary mail coz its too big... umm... what else?... erm... Driven to Destuction has got some nice looking shots of TDR's Nose Bleed Pack (that name is stupid... lol...) anyway they show the 'Hell' environment which is looking good... also there are other shots that show the '1920s' environment... looking nifty too... umm... Ive written a lot of points... lol... er... Crashocalypse... umm... they ve got a new guy there named AdR who is making really nice stuff... er... is showing the classic Xmas conversion... now for TDR2000... it shows 'Hollowood' and another city that I cant remember its name all 'snowed up' hehehe... also Boose showed an upcoming car for TDR whic is looking nice...hmm... i think i must end this post... er... yeah... thats a good idea... oh! also.. something not very important: Iv opened the News Archive!! lol... and also opened the Carmageddon 2 Cheats section...

The Sekton is back... and now twice (!)
posted by PumaY2K (13-12-2000, 14:25)

Ok... you guys were waiting for this... but i decided to release these!... hmm... I should say just... I decided to release both Sektons I was working in... so... here they are! just go to pages 3 and 4 to get 'em or just click here... also today I took some nifty decisions... well actually just one but oh well... The decision I took is that I wont post cars of another authors unless they are in the PumaY2K DZ staff... and as the staff is of just 2 geeks (K@vera and PumaY2K <--thats me!), then its going to be a lil difficult... heh... but if you want to form part of the staff then mail me to and thats it... no... I also 'resurrected' my old WinAmp skin... so its available for download agian... maybe Ill do another WinAmp skin... I dunno... well... while I think out of that, download these 2 great cars!... also gimme some feedback... lets see what do you guys think...


Lets crash 'em!
posted by PumaY2K (08-12-2000, 13:24)

Erm... guess what? another Sekton in progress! hehehe... Ok.. its just a Sekton Banger Version which was very easy to do because I just need to do some model tweaking and done... I think that bothe the Sekton GT and the Sekton Banger will be released at the same time... but maybe not... hmm... maybe Ill release the Sekton GT first... hmm... well... I leave you with a pic of the upcoming Sekton banger for Freddy's Banger Racing TC... hmm... feedback is nice tho...

Eraser Two
Game: Carmageddon 2
What: Car Skin
Author: K@vera
Added: 25-04-2005


The Evil Realm - All HTML/PHP/GFX ©1999-2005 PumaY2K
Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! & Carmageddon TDR2000 ©1997-2000 Stainless Software, Torus Games & SCi
All other names belong to their respective owners
Mail me at